
Bowl for Baby Beats
1st Annual CHD Awareness fundraiser, held Heart Week 2011. See the post on the Journal page for more information or Click on the link to view the Facebook Event. Hope to you can join us!

CS Mott Children's Hospital 
Gavin had his surgery at U of M, CS Mott Children's Hospital.
He continues his cardiologist care there. We have felt relief since the day we chose them.

Its My Heart
I was referred to this organization through a connection I made on the Baby Center support group (see below) Since I have joined the organization, Justin and I have participated with them in a 5K at the Big House Big Heart annual event, which raises money for over 100 programs at U of M, one of them being the Peds Cardio Thoracic Unit.  

Congenital Heart Information Network 
This site is full of information. 

Yahoo Group for Truncus Arteriosus
Well, the title says it all.

Babies & Children with Heart Problems (Forum/ support group)
This group helped through my pregnancy, they answered so many questions I had. They were there to comfort my fears and concerns I had, anytime of day. The parents on this site answered so many questions we had about the open heart surgery Gavin was facing. I still turn to them, when I have questions or concerns. I am so thankful for this site. I learned so much from these men, women and their little heart babies.